Monday, April 16, 2007


Ok guys and girls, we need a way to make ourselves known. The problem with Sparta is that despite us having all these weapons and vehicles, all the training necessary, we are still too small and unkown. We need a way to let SL know that a fair group that does not grief exists. Ideas?

Note: We have been interviewed by both the SL Herald and SLTimes, but neither has yet to post articles on us. This is exasperating....The AN can just walk down a street and get articles written about them. Sparta? What's Sparta? This is driving me nuts....


Rob Arten said...

Hullo Bruno. I suppose you are not as widely known because you have yet to engage in any major conflicts. You do not get reported on because there is no news.

Remember that 90% of the articles written on us are of a derogatory nature, so this lack of publicity can work. Imagine how much harder your development could have been if someone was attacking you at the same time. i'm impressed with your progress, but maybe it's time to put it to the test?

King Bruno Ziskey said...

Hmm..a valid point indeed. Perhaps we should try attacking one of the AN's enemies that has a base...maybe not Mercz just yet though.